Sunday #3: December 1, 2018

Ralph Breaks The Internet (2018) in theaters now! It starts the voices of John C. Reilly as Wreck-It Ralph, Sarah Silverman as Vanellope Von Schweetz, and Gal Gadot as Shank.

Ralph Breaks The Internet, December 1

I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. I enjoyed the first film Wreck It Ralph, but hadn’t expected much other than a multitude of references and easter eggs in the sequel. Even though there was many references spotted, there was a good plot underneath all of that. The story overall is one in which a pair of best friends must learn to separate and go on to new paths, that don’t include each other. I laughed a lot, and surprisingly I cried a lot. I thought it was insightful enough about the internet itself, without being annoying and preachy. I appreciated it, as it offered enough fluff for me to be distracted and actually pay attention to things that were different from the first film. Instead of having a clear villain in this film, like the first one, it made the idea of insecurities the overall villain and showed how harmful they can be towards the carrier, as well as those around them. It doesn’t hurt that I was also able to watch the film with four of my friends in an empty theater, allowed to yell and cry as openly as we pleased. I was very happy with this movie and would definitely watch it again.

Sunday #2: November 11, 2018

The Grinch (2018), in theaters now, stars the voice of Benedict Cumberbatch as The Grinch. 

The Grinch, November 11.

Going into the newest iteration of The Grinch, I did not have high hopes in the slightest. I had always been a fan of the bizarre portrayal of the Grinch in the live action version starring Jim Carrey. It had everything needed to make a movie a great time, meaning having Christine Baranski being a fabulous woman in Whoville who is dedicated to over the top Christmas decorations. This version, unfortunately didn’t share much from the previous movie that I loved so dearly. It had a completely different story, an odd compilation of songs, and a different attitude from the Grinch himself. Typically, the Grinch is seen as a Christmas hater who is feared by all in Whoville. In this film, he was written as more of a rude curmudgeon similar to Ebenezer Scrooge instead of previous iterations of the Grinch. No one was afraid of him. Cindy Lou Who was more of a wild child with a rebellious and fun crew of pals instead of the timid and well meaning child known to previous fans. It was a film filled with various new developments that weren’t exactly needed or appreciated. There was also a brief moment of fear in which I thought the film would culminate with bringing Cindy Lou Who’s mom (who’s single with three kids) into a romantic relationship with the Grinch. Fortunately, he only attended dinner in the Who household for Christmas instead of entering a relationship and becoming Cindy’s new dad. So it was an odd movie to watch overall which I wouldn’t exactly say I enjoyed. I did laugh at a scene of the Grinch dropping it low in pink sequined shorts though, so it wasn’t all a disappointment. 

The Inaugural Sunday! November 4, 2018

Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) in theaters now! In the photo, Gwilym Lee portrays guitarist Brian May and Rami Malek portrays Queen frontman, Freddie Mercury

Bohemian Rhapsody, November 4. Cinemark North Haven

At the beginning of November, I watched Bohemian Rhapsody. I was exhausted from spending three days at an action-packed convention and finally had some downtime on Sunday. My friends were insistent on viewing Bohemian Rhapsody during its first weekend in theaters, a group of casual Queen fans, so we spent our day napping before the show. We all piled into the car and attended the 7:45 pm showing on a Sunday night, the optimal time for a night at the movies. The entire theater was packed, everyone so excited to watch this film during its opening weekend. Everyone had their own qualms about this film that had gone through many forms of stalling and changes throughout the years before this final result. These qualms were reasonable, but for me, they washed away completely after watching this amazing movie. Three out of four of the original Queen members were portrayed by actors who somehow looked exactly like them. Obviously, Rami Malek doesn’t look like an exact replica of Freddie Mercury, with four extra teeth and a unique stage presence compared to his personality off stage. But to say these actors didn’t do a spot on portrayal of Queen throughout these formative years, would be an absolute lie and an injustice to the spectacular job they did. The movie taught me a lot about Queen I hadn’t really known about, even if it was a bit milder than what really happened. It was dynamic in all of its scenes, reenacting the making of such iconic songs and performances in their musical career. It made me thankful that I am allowed to listen to a band as amazing as them. I enjoyed the film overall, providing a new look at this classic band that blazed their own path and allowing me a bit of fun on a late night Sunday.